Help pages


Si vous ne trouvez pas de réponse à votre question dans ces pages d’aide ou si vous souhaitez nous transmettre un commentaire sur ce site, contactez-nous.

Powered by Alaveteli

This website is powered by Alaveteli. Alaveteli is free software for making Freedom of Information requests. It can easily be translated into any language, and customised for variations of FOI law.

The development of Alaveteli is sponsored and supported by a number of foundations and charities who are interested in transparency across the world.

If you would like to set up an Alaveteli website in your own country, we can help. You will need a few days to get the site configured and ready to use, and will then have to spend at least an hour a week moderating and managing the site (more for busy websites).

Read more on the Alaveteli website, or drop us an email.